Sunday, September 28, 2014

A Tree Grows In Brooklyn - Class Book Group

Hey guys! (Although I doubt anyone really is reading this. I have only had about 25 page views since I started this. Oh well.)

I try to post on Monday-Thursday, but this week I was able to do one on Sunday. Yay!

So yeah. In class I'm reading A Tree Grows in Brooklyn as a book group thing. I'm really excited because I've never had an excuse to read the book before. It's a coming of age novel taking place in the early 1900s. It's supposed to be a really good book and I'm so excited to start. Sadly, since I'm reading it in class I have to stretch out my reading time over about 3 weeks. It's sad. I could read the whole thing in one night, and stretching it out like that takes some of the fun of it away. (Maybe I'll read ahead and never tell anyone. Heheheheheh....)

So anyway.....

I really have nothing else to say so here's a gif of pikachu:


Smiles :) TabbyCat

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