Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Why Rabbits Are Not Rodents

Hey guys! I'm ranting today, maybe you can learn something.

Over and over and over again I find people that call rabbits rodents. It has come to the point of driving me insane.

Rabbits are not rodents. They are lagomorpha. This is an order (as in animal classification order) that is separate from rodents.

Pikas are also lagomorpha. Here are some pictures to demonstrate and prove my claims. No, I'm not a crazy person. I have proof.

This is a pika.

Proof with sciency words!

The main thing is the teeth. Their front teeth are coated on enamel on the sides and never form a sharp edge. Also, lagamorpha have more teeth overall, especially in the case of cheek teeth. They also have a second pair of incisors. I don't want to bore you with details. That would make the few people that read this blog lose interest. If you really want to know more, go research it yourself.

Oh yes, also shrews. Shrews aren't rodents. Yay for incorrect common knowledge.

I hope you learned something today, whether you wanted to or not.

Oh yeah, and here's a gif:

Gosh I'm so hungry.

Smiles :) TabbyCat

Sunday, September 28, 2014

A Tree Grows In Brooklyn - Class Book Group

Hey guys! (Although I doubt anyone really is reading this. I have only had about 25 page views since I started this. Oh well.)

I try to post on Monday-Thursday, but this week I was able to do one on Sunday. Yay!

So yeah. In class I'm reading A Tree Grows in Brooklyn as a book group thing. I'm really excited because I've never had an excuse to read the book before. It's a coming of age novel taking place in the early 1900s. It's supposed to be a really good book and I'm so excited to start. Sadly, since I'm reading it in class I have to stretch out my reading time over about 3 weeks. It's sad. I could read the whole thing in one night, and stretching it out like that takes some of the fun of it away. (Maybe I'll read ahead and never tell anyone. Heheheheheh....)

So anyway.....

I really have nothing else to say so here's a gif of pikachu:


Smiles :) TabbyCat

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Yes. This song. I love it.

You must listen to it. It is amazing.

"Carmelldansen" is a song by the band Carmell. The song was originally in Swedish, but the English version isn't bad, either. It's also the subject of lots of fan material, memes, and gifs on the internet.

You need to listen to it.

I guarantee that you will do the dance at some point. Everyone does it. Don't feel shameful.

You can find it on YouTube, in both English and Swedish.

You will love it.
Everyone loves it.

Look it up.
I command you.

Smiles :) TabbyCat

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Watching a New Anime! - Fruits Basket

Hey guys! I just started a new anime today called Fruits Basket. I am now on episode 4, and am really liking it so far.
Fruits Basket is about a girl that finds a house full of boys that turn into respective zodiac animals when hugged by people of the opposite gender.
I know. That sounds so weird. So weird, in fact that the synopsis prevented me from trying this anime for about 3 years. However, it was pulled off really well and is actually a funny, upbeat anime that pretty much anyone would enjoy.

Here are some pictures from the anime. In general I really like the drawing style.

Tohru Honda (main protagonist)

Kyo Sohma (cat, not official member of zodiac)

Yuki Sohma (yes, this is a guy) (rat)

Shigure Sohma (dog)

I especially like Kyo and already kind-of hate Yuki, but I care about all the characters, which is important. Tohru is not my favorite type of female protagonist, but the rest of the characters are really funny, nice, unique, and interesting. This should be a fun anime to watch. 
I hope you guys keep reading! I'm trying to post every day.

Smiles :) TabbyCat

Monday, September 22, 2014

Library Load

Hey guys! This week I got a few books from the library. I have:

Howl's Moving Castle
by Diana Wynne Jones
I know, I know. I should have read this book by now. It's a well-known classic and is supposed to be amazing. I'm so excited to finally pick this up! I tried to not read anything about it so I would be surprised, and I have succeeded so far. I really don't know what this book is about, except for that it has magic and a moving castle that belongs to someone named Howl. That's a cool name. Yay for new books!

Wuthering Heights
by Emily Bronte

Another book I really should have read by now. I usually try to get the same cover picture as the one on the book I am using to show you guys, but I couldn't find it. This is the closest I could get. Oh well. I know this is a love story with kind of magic thing going on. I am super excited to get this one going!

The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Perilous Journey
by Trenton Lee Stewart
I just finished the first book late last night, so now I am going to read the next one. I wonder what will happen next, I mean the end of the last book was pretty conclusive. The author could have made that more open-ended, but it's all good. This is a children's book, which I do read less of, but it is still supposed to be pretty good.

Random Update:
Recently I had a song stuck in my head that my friends recently introduced me to, and it's called Carmelldansen. If you haven't heard this song before, you definitely should. It's in Swedish, but there also is a pretty good English version. I can't stop listening to this song!

Have a great day!

Smiles :) TabbyCat

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Book Load

Hey guys! This week I bought tons of books using a small pile of half-used gift-cards. (I am one of those people that LOVE gift-cards. Mainly because unless the card is for a clothing store, I can buy books with it.)
So using a combination of Target, Barnes&Noble, local bookstore, and Amazon gift-cards I bought:

by Marissa Meyer
I've actually already read this book, and all the other books in the series that are currently out. I don't own any of them in paperback, though, and this was a great chance, especially because there is a short novella in the back by the author. YAY! I can't wait for Winter!!!!!!!!!! 

I Am Number Four, The Power of Six, The Rise of Nine
By Pittacus Lore

I haven't read any of the books in the Lorien Legacies series. I know it's tragic. I hear such good things, as well as not-so-good things about the series that I just HAD to try it and find out for myself. Plus the covers are so pretty and they have this cool thing on the sides of the pages so I had to buy it in paperback. I love physical books so much because they are such a treat. I spend such long periods of time agonizing over their beautiful covers.

Shiver, Linger, Forever
by Maggie Stiefvater

I still have to read Maggie Stiefvater's Shiver trilogy. It's supposed to have awesome romance and overall just supposed to be really, really good. I got a great deal for all three of them, too. Then I'm going to have to read Sinner. I really love Maggie Stiefvater. I haven't yet read all of her books, but those that I have read never disappoint. 

The Scorpio Races
by Maggie Stiefvater

I have read this book before, but it was borrowed from a library. I absolutely LOVED The Scorpio Races. The romance was cute, and there were man-eating water horses. Also it was written by Maggie Stiefvater. I mean, how could I not love it? Some people disliked this book, but I absolutely adored it. Readers said that it was boring and that they focused too much on the horses. I loved the idea of the water-horses, and never found the book boring. I read the whole thing in one sitting, which is something I really like to do. I couldn't put it down, and afterwards I just couldn't stop talking about it.

by Lauren Oliver

I love Lauren Oliver almost as much as I love Maggie Stiefvater. I've heard so much about this book, and I have been so excited to get my hands on it. And guess what? I got a hardcover copy! I love getting books in hardcover and being able to keep the beautiful dust-jacket when I lend the book to someone. Because I know if I give them the dust-jacket it will get torn and ruined.

Don't Look Back
by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Look at this cover! Look how beautiful it is! I love it so much! I know nothing about the author and hardly anything about the story besides the fact that it is good. But that cover! It's so magical and hypnotizing. I could stare at it all day. Wow. I got this as a beautiful hardcover, and no one is touching that dust-jacket.

by Myra McEntire

Another awesome cover! I got this book knowing absolutely nothing about it or the author. I've heard good things about the book and the rest of the series, but I have no idea what it's about. It's supposed to be fantasy, but I really have no clue about the actual story-line. I have tried to steer clear of anything about this book so that I can read it without knowing anything.

I hope you enjoyed this post. Please comment if you have any book recommendations for me. Thanks for reading!

Smiles :) TabbyCat

Hey guys! Welcome to my blog!

Hey guys! This is TabbyCat's blog. I've never tried blogging before, but I decided to try it out. Might as well, seeing as I am living in the age of the internet. Since this is my first post, I should give you some info about myself. Here is everything you need to know about me:

  • I love to read. I will read anything and everything. It is my favorite pastime, and pretty much my life outside of school.
  • Yes, as you might have noticed from above, I do go to school, though because anyone could be reading this, I will not tell you how old I am or what level of schooling I am taking.
  • I like to draw, but cannot to digital art at all. So you probably won't see any of my art. (Plus, it kind of stinks.)
  • I don't really expect anyone to actually read this blog.
  • I am addicted to the internet.
  • I will try to post as often as possible, but I am pretty busy.
  • I'm a female gamer.
  • I am a hopeless romantic.
  • My friends are better than your friends. (Guaranteed. Yes, they are just that awesome.) 
  • My cat is my best friend.
  • I actually lead a pretty active lifestyle, although I am very lazy.
  • I am an otaku, and proud of it.
  • I love snow leopards, (I know it's random, but it's important.)
  • I am not disturbed by blood.
  • I collect erasers.
  • I hate wearing watches.
  • Outside of the internet I'm pretty shy and quiet.
  • I play the violin.
I can't think of anything else to say. Maybe I'll make another one of these "about me" posts again one day. 

Maybe you'll read my blog, and maybe you won't. I don't really care. 

Smiles :) TabbyCat