Thursday, October 2, 2014

A Note to the Public - Why You Shouldn't Spray Perfume in a Locker Room


That should be enough for you. Apparently it isn't because I have seen too many people coughing their lungs out (not literally of course) because someone in the locker room sprayed tons of perfume. Please save our lungs. I do not have asthma but have friends that do, and I would appreciate your consideration.


It makes innocent bystanders cough their lungs out. Why on earth would you continue doing this when it causes people pain? Please spray your perfume in a ventilated area. Thank you so much! 

A note to my readers:

Lots of people hate to read rants. I don't tend to write rants too often, but when I do it's just for me to vent. I will try to post a more positive post alongside a rant so you can still read my stuff without having to read my annoying rants.

You rock guys! Keep reading!

Smiles :) TabbyCat

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