Monday, November 3, 2014

Sorry....... :(

Hey dudes!
(I know, different opening, right? Sorry if that weirded you out.)



Story Time!
(English teachers be warned, I am going to start the first sentence with the word "so." Please cut me some slack :P)

So about 6 weeks ago, I was playing football in gym class, and I kinda collided with this guy and my thumb broke. Of course I didn't even tell anyone that it hurt and didn't know it was broken until I got home and my mom totally freaked out and took me to an orthopedic surgeon. I didn't think it was hurt that badly, and I didn't want to be seen as a wimp, so I didn't really tell anyone. My thumb swelled up to twice its normal size, as people kept pointing out to me. Eventually they convinced me to go the nurse, who gave me a bag of ice without even looking at my thumb (of course). As it turned out, I had to wear a splint for 4 weeks, and then an extra 2 weeks were added on because I was using it too much. So I'm not supposed to be writing more than I have to. So I couldn't write this blog. (but I'm doing it anyway bwahahahahahahahahaha!)

I'm sad now.

On an up note:

I got some emails from you guys (you rock!) and it sounds like you were worried... :(
I'm sorry if I worried you. I know I have some pretty dedicated friends reading this blog that might not have heard about my accident.
I also got some emails from completely random people that were worried, and my heart just melted. Here are some of them:
Them   Me

This is from Lucy:
Hey!   Heyyyyy!
I love your blog so much and think it's great that you're starting so young.  Wow, thanks!
But you haven't posted in awhile.   True.
Are you okay?   Yeah, I'm doing awesome.
Did something happen?  Yeah. But I'm totally good.
Are you still going to post?   Of course!
Thanks for caring!

This is from Adam:
wuzzup!   Not much. My life is pretty boring.
could u do something about weird people on the internet?   Sure! I'll try to do that ASAP.
Thanks so much for the request!

You guys are the best. Remember, if you want to contact me, fill out the contact form. I'll be sure to respond and might post it on the blog. (If you don't want it posted, please tell me!)

Sooo.... Bye guys!

Smiles :) TabbyCat